Weather Alerts
Today Tropical Storm Nicole is a large Category 1 Hurricane with lots of wind (75mph), rain, and flooding. Be safe, listen to your local news in the area you live. Do not underestimate the storm conditions, to include tornados, tropical storm (TS) wind, heavy rain fall, storm surge on coastline and rivers. It is time for each our you to engage and work your personal hurricane plan. Very important to check in with your manager after the storm passes to let us know you are okay.
Hurricane Nicole will enter the Florida East Coast, in the Port St Lucie area, around 3AM Thursday morning. By 8AM it will be in the Lakeland FL area. The path from Lakeland is North until it finally leaves Florida around 9 or 10PM tonight.
All Florida Operations have prepared the buildings in Deerfield, Tampa, Gibsonton, and Jacksonville. Pensacola was business as usual, all other FL warehouses had limited loading last night, and will have many areas with no deliveries today (refer to list below). All four warehouse will be open today Thursday 11/10/2022. Refer to the list of routes or areas not going out today. Check with your local operation or supervisor if you have any question.
All Locations will continue to load Thursday night for Friday Delivery. Tampa and Jacksonville will be loading Friday night for Saturday delivery. Deerfield will be back to normal deliveries on Friday.
Action required by all employees
1. Update Emergency Contact Information Online.
a. Emergency Contact Information.
i. Go to:
ii. Make sure your personal contact information is up to date.
1. Address,
2. Cell Phone, Home Phone
3. Personal email address
iii. Update your emergency Contacts Name, address, cell phone, email.
iv. In the event of an emergency, RNDC will make every attempt to contact and account for the safety of all RNDC employees.
2. Record RNDC emergency numbers and web sites on your cell phone today.
a. In the event of a Hurricane, each RNDC branch will post updated communications regarding work emergency provisions, and work schedules. Below are two primary ways employees can retrieve emergency communication regarding RNDC.
i. Internet
1. Go to:
2. click on Weather Alerts
3. click on Deerfield Beach, Tampa, Jacksonville, or Pensacola
ii. RNDC Employee Emergency Hotline
1. Deerfield Beach 954-425-0027
2. Tampa 813-496-3152
3. Jacksonville 904-696-6398
4. Pensacola 850-418-6589