I would like to take this time to appreciate the many contributions and accomplishments Hispanic Americans have made to shape our culture and great country. Inventions by Hispanics are ever present in our day-to-day lives. Did you know that the scissor and corkscrew wine opener was designed by a Chilean? The SIM card in your cell phones was invented by someone from Nicaragua. Hispanic contributions to our culture go way beyond food and music into technical and health advances we use every day.
This year, RNDC’s Hispanic Heritage Month theme is “Be Proud of your Past, Embrace your Future.” Our theme invites all associates to reflect on the rich legacy Hispanics created while we imagine the amazing things that are to come. We will feature associate spotlights, a Behind the Bar cocktail video, informative trivia games, and a virtual panel discussion with prominent Hispanic/LatinX company leaders.
Here is a little history trivia to start us off: September 15 is a significant day for Latinx populations because it is the independence anniversary for several Latin American countries, including Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September 18, respectively.
Please join in on our Hispanic Heritage Month activities by checking out our internal communication vehicles and following us on all our social media channels.
I am proud of the diverse tapestry of our workforce and believe that our diversity makes us a stronger company and a great place to work! Thank you to each associate for your contributions.
Tom Cole
President & CEO
RNDC-USA & Young’s Market Company