It‘s National Volunteer Week!
At RNDC, we encourage associates to make time for activities that contribute to overall well-being and excellence. Consider the phrase ‘make time’ as inspiration to participate in and learn about important CSR activations, including our volunteer opportunities.
RNDC’S Charities of Choice rate 80% or higher on Charity Navigator and are great options for volunteerism. These charities align with our commitment to driving progress for the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the blueprint for a happier healthier world by 2030.
RNDC’s 2021Charities of Choice are listed here. Each one supports one or multiple SDGs.
- Feeding America . . . No Hunger SDG #2
- American Heart Association . . . Good Health and Well-Being SDG #3
- The Arbor Day Foundation . . . Life on Land SDG #15
- Prostate Cancer Foundation . . . Good Health and Well-Being SDG #3
- National Urban League . . . Decent Work and Economic Growth SDG #8
- National Environmental Education Foundation . . . Climate Action SDG #13 and Life on Land SDG #15
Some of these organizations and others offer virtual options due to COVID-19 (click link here to find other opportunities that help the SDG causes). Over the next days, weeks, and months, we will announce specific ways YOU can get involved in making a difference. So, get ready to MAKE TIME to help each other, help our communities and help our planet.